Lettering Works Business Journal - October in Review
~ NOW BOOKING PROJECTS FOR NOVEMBER & BEYOND ~ If you are interested in working together, I’d be happy to start the conversation and share more about how I can help you with your branding, design, and custom merchandise needs.
October’s highlights included attending Adobe MAX, creating a new hot dog design, celebrating my birthday, being featured on three podcasts, and restocking the Chicago Architectural Center store.
Creative Cloud Community Summit at Adobe MAX
Adobe MAX 2024 in Miami Beach
New Chicago Style Hot Dog Postcard
New Chicago Style Hot Dog Sticker
The Big Wins
Attended the Creative Cloud Community Summit and Adobe MAX in Miami Beach. Highlights included reconnecting with friends and making new ones, learning lots, soaking up loads of inspiration, and providing feedback on my favorite programs. And a party on a yacht and T-Pain concert.
Created a new Chicago Style hot dog design that I am launching in sticker and postcard form. They are currently available via my Faire shop and website.
Lotería card for AIGA Chicago’s Community Deck
Podcast episode on Top Shelf Creator
Podcast episode on The Cookbook
Chicago Architecture Center Store Delivery
Chicago Architectural Boat Tour
General Updates + Accomplishments:
Celebrated my birthday! As a birthday present to myself from my business, I started researching and exploring the potential of getting neon signs made of my artwork! More to come very soon!
Created a Lotería card for the AIGA Chicago collaborative project. I was invited to participate in the community project and created the #51 La Palma card as my contribution. Can you see the Miami Beach influence on the design?
Was featured on three podcasts! Top Shelf Creator Podcast with Kabrina Ashley, The Cookbook with Iris Goldfeder, and The Content Repurposer Podcast with Pooja Arshanpally. Find all my interviews on my press page here.
Put Peoria Skyline shot glasses into production for the Peoria International Airport. I also restocked some of my favorite shops, which included delivering new semi-custom stickers to Flyover Chicago.
Prepared for Adobe MAX by connecting with new designer friends and making “More Art Supplies is Always a Good Idea” stickers to hand out at the conference. PSA: You can watch the recorded sessions from Adobe MAX for free at max.adobe.com.
Enjoyed a weekend trip in South Haven, Michigan with friends. Highlights included walking around cute downtown areas, cider flights at Virtue Cider, and catching the end of a sunset on the beach.
Hosted my brother and dad for a weekend while my brother was in town for a work trip. Highlights of their visit included long walks in the neighborhood, taking them to some of our favorite local spots, and playing games.
Restocked the Chicago Architecture Center, saw my products in their store for the first time in person, and enjoyed one of their famous architectural boat tours.
October was dominated by Adobe MAX (in the best way) - between preparing, attending, and following up with new connections, there wasn’t too much time for other things. Payments from previous wholesale orders (did you know that payment terms are often Net 30 or Net 60?) kept my business going strong while I focused on being present and enjoying the cool opportunities I had.
In November, I’m most excited to re-center some personal projects and visit with family in Colorado. Reach out if you’d like to work together, I am continuing to prioritize new branding and logo projects as well as custom merchandise and wholesale.
Thank you for being here, for supporting me, and for following along with my entrepreneurial journey.
PS - Have a project you’d like to chat about? Send me the details now to ensure your project gets on my calendar in 2024. Bring on all the logos, branded merchandise, + brand identity projects… let’s make some beautiful + impactful things together.
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